Our Services

Urgent Care

Minor Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain can be traced to any number of causes, which is why we recommend visiting our Livonia, MI office for professional diagnosis and care.

Respiratory Issues

Our team provides urgent care for a range of respiratory issues so you or your child can get the relief you need to live and breathe comfortably.

Ear, Nose, and Throat Care

Our team can diagnose and treat a large range of ear, nose, and throat problems, from upper respiratory and sinus infections to strep throat.

Sinus and Allergy Concerns

Allergies and sinus problems can significantly impact your quality of life, but the team at our Livonia, MI practice is here to provide relief.

Skin Rashes/Burns

Our Livonia, MI skin care providers have experience treating painful skin rashes and burns so you can stop their spread and live more comfortably.

UTI and STD Testing

If you're experiencing uncomfortable symptoms, such as pain while urinating or a frequent urge to visit the bathroom, you may have a UTI or STD.


Our office is equipped to perform x-ray services on-site, allowing our patients to receive the care they need in a welcoming, comfortable setting.

On-site Lab

Our on-site lab allows our team to provide timely and accurate screenings for health conditions without requiring patients to go out of their way.

Foreign Object Removal

Foreign objects can enter the body through a number of ways, causing pain and increasing your risk of infection or other health complications.

Wound Care

From bites and punctures to lacerations, our team provides advanced wound care to help prevent infection and ensure a smoother healing process.

Sports Injuries

Whether you're suffering from a sprain, pulled muscle, or something more serious, our team can help with personalized treatments for sports injuries.
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.